Dave - 12th July 2020

Today would have been our 6th Wedding Anniversary. 4 months on, and I still can’t believe my wonderful, gorgeous, amazing, loving, kind, caring and absolutely perfect husband Steve Carne is no longer here. In 19 years together we never had one real argument, he was always there for me when I needed him, we managed to finish each other’s sentences all the time, and knew what each other was thinking so often it was uncanny. Although we were apart during the week when he was working in Wales, we’d phone each other every evening to chat about our day, and the best part of my week was a Friday evening when he’d arrive home, walk through the door with that gorgeous smile, we’d hug, kiss and snuggle up together with a pizza and Friday night tv. The worst part of my week was a Sunday evening when we would have to say goodbye as he headed back to Wales....he always texted me to let me know he'd got there safely. Even though things weren't always easy, and we had our differences (he wasn’t interested in cars or current affairs and I wasn’t into theme parks and not quite as obsessed with computer games), we fitted together perfectly. During the early part of his illness when he had just been admitted to Intensive Care in Wales and the doctors had warned us he was very seriously ill, I’d been beside his bed holding his hand until the early hours of the morning .... and fallen asleep. I woke up and said to him “sorry, I don’t think I’m being much use at the moment”. Even though he was in absolute agony he looked at me with his gorgeous dark brown eyes, managed a smile and said “you might not think it, but you being here means the world to me”. I tried not to react too much at the time, but walked out of ICU and completely broke down. He meant the world to me too, and I miss him so so much. Every single day of our 19 years together we said "I love you", and those were our last words to each other as he lay critically ill a few hours before he passed away. Wherever you are Steve take care, I’m thinking about you all the time. I know you’d be worried if you knew I was upset so I’m trying to be strong......but its so hard. I’ll try to go to bed at a reasonable time (without spending hours scrolling through Facebook), eat properly and drink lots of water (like you always told me to) and do my very best to make you proud. I will always love you and miss you, and will see you again one day 💋💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️